Making good writers out of stuck/fallen behind 'can't write, won't write' pupils in Y6
Hawes, Andy
Moat, Alison
Issue Date
Educational Level
ISCED Level 1 Primary education
Curriculum Area
Geographical Setting
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Background: The purpose of the study was to raise attainment and accelerate the progress of a group of Y6 pupils by using targeted teaching and CPD approaches, such as end of unit success-criteria, modelling, and a writing curriculum, to measure the impact on pupil learning and teaching.
Aims: The main aim was to raise attainment and accelerate the progress of a group of Y6 pupils by using targeted teaching and CPD approaches, such as modelling, open tasks, and peer and self-assessment, to improve their writing skills.
Methods: The participants in this case study are a headteacher, National Strategies consultant, senior leadership team, teacher, Y6 pupils, and their peers and self-assessors. The methods used included targeted teaching with Assessing Pupils' Progress (APP) to identify next steps, joint planning and teaching with a consultant, modelling, setting up clear success criteria, and providing opportunities for direct teaching and practice of key skills/concepts/techniques. Pupils were also encouraged to use 'reader hat/writer hat' and 'paragraph signposts' to improve their writing.
Findings: The main findings are that targeted teaching and modelling of writing techniques, including open tasks, peer and self-assessment, and modelling without pre-composing, have resulted in accelerated progress for pupils, improved peer and self-assessment, increased confidence and enjoyment of writing, and improved results in writing and English tests.
Implications: The findings suggest that targeted teaching, effective modelling, and open-ended writing tasks can lead to accelerated progress, improved self-assessment, increased engagement and enjoyment of writing, as well as end of unit success-criteria. The teacher models writing without pre-composing it, and chooses what she models much more carefully. The writing curriculum in Y6 provides opportunities for direct teaching and practice of key skills/concepts/techniques, and allows pupils to explore an open task and apply their prior/recent learning.
Aims: The main aim was to raise attainment and accelerate the progress of a group of Y6 pupils by using targeted teaching and CPD approaches, such as modelling, open tasks, and peer and self-assessment, to improve their writing skills.
Methods: The participants in this case study are a headteacher, National Strategies consultant, senior leadership team, teacher, Y6 pupils, and their peers and self-assessors. The methods used included targeted teaching with Assessing Pupils' Progress (APP) to identify next steps, joint planning and teaching with a consultant, modelling, setting up clear success criteria, and providing opportunities for direct teaching and practice of key skills/concepts/techniques. Pupils were also encouraged to use 'reader hat/writer hat' and 'paragraph signposts' to improve their writing.
Findings: The main findings are that targeted teaching and modelling of writing techniques, including open tasks, peer and self-assessment, and modelling without pre-composing, have resulted in accelerated progress for pupils, improved peer and self-assessment, increased confidence and enjoyment of writing, and improved results in writing and English tests.
Implications: The findings suggest that targeted teaching, effective modelling, and open-ended writing tasks can lead to accelerated progress, improved self-assessment, increased engagement and enjoyment of writing, as well as end of unit success-criteria. The teacher models writing without pre-composing it, and chooses what she models much more carefully. The writing curriculum in Y6 provides opportunities for direct teaching and practice of key skills/concepts/techniques, and allows pupils to explore an open task and apply their prior/recent learning.
Keywords (free text)
Primary education , Assessment and target setting , English - writing