Essex Lesson Study: Improving writing through interactive learning/teaching with an emphasis on ICT
Sardharwalla, Iffat
Issue Date
Research Report
Keywords (free text)
Primary education , Assessment and target setting , Cross-agency working , Leadership , Self evaluation and review , Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) , English - reading , English - speaking and listening , English - writing
Alternative Title
Background: The purpose of the study was to improve writing skills in a school by introducing Lesson Study, using AfL and APP, integrating ICT, and providing resources from the Primary National Strategy.
Aims: The main aim of this development work was to improve writing skills in Year 3/4 by using Lesson Study, AfL and APP, integrating ICT, and providing resources from the Primary National Strategy.
Methods: The participants included a Headteacher, Middle Leader, National Strategies consultant, Senior Leadership Team, School Improvement Partner, Subject Leader, and Teacher. They worked together to improve writing skills in Year 3/4. Methods used included Lesson Study, use of AfL and APP for levelling and target setting, use of ICT, Take Five activities, and use of resources from the Primary National Strategy.
Findings: The main findings of this case study are that Lesson Study has had a positive impact on pupil learning, teaching, and school organisation and leadership. It has improved confidence in writing, enjoyment of learning, ICT skills, and self-evaluation. Test results and periodic assessments have shown that the target group is working at age-related expectations.
Implications: The findings suggest that Lesson Study has had a positive impact on pupil learning, teaching, and school organization and leadership. It has improved confidence, enjoyment, and ICT skills, as well as test results. It has also increased teacher confidence in AfL and APP, and improved the classroom learning environment.