Strengthening childminder practice in Newham through training and working with colleagues


Background: The purpose of the study was to provide support and training for childminders focusing on PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Education) through observation and assessment, in order to help them identify significant learning and plan for children’s next steps.

Aims: The main aim of the development work was to support and train childminders in PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Education) through observation and assessment, and to build a supportive network where they can share examples of good practice.

Methods: The participants were childminders from the Kay Rowe Children's Centre who were looking to access training and support from other colleagues, a childminder coordinator, children's centre teacher and centre Senco. They were part of the MABD programme and wanted to share knowledge and experiences with other practitioners and use this to develop their own practice.
Methods used include providing training on the EYFS, carrying out observations in the adjoining nursery, providing digital cameras to support observation, and providing support and feedback from the network coordinator and children's centre teacher.

Findings: The main findings of the development work were that childminders were able to access training and support from other colleagues, build up observations, photos and other evidence of their minded children's learning, and develop a supportive network to share examples of good practice.

Implications: The findings suggest that childminders are seen as an integral part of the children's centre, and are invited to whole school training days. They are also invited to initial meetings with parents and further meetings to share children's achievements. This has implications for improved communication and collaboration between childminders and other early years professionals.


Keywords (free text)

Nursery education , Assessment and target setting , Transfer and transition , Communication, language and literacy , Personal, social and emotional development

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