Using Talk for Writing strategies to improve writing standards

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Yardley, Jo
Issue Date
Educational Level
ISCED Level 0 Early childhood education
ISCED Level 1 Primary education
Geographical Setting
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Background: The purpose of the study was to improve writing standards in three schools by engaging pupils in their learning, teaching them writing skills, and using CPD approaches such as Talk for Writing.

Aims: The main aim is to improve writing standards in schools by engaging pupils in their learning, teaching them writing skills, and using Talk for Writing strategies.

Methods: The participants were teachers from 3 schools, senior management, and a subject leader, all of whom were involved in the development of Talk for Writing strategies to improve writing standards. Methods used included CPD, coaching, lesson study, classroom observations, teacher assessment, and pupil work to measure progress. Talk for Writing strategies such as book talk, writer talk, boxing up, story mapping, warm up games, and oral retelling were used.

Findings: The main findings are that Talk for Writing strategies have had a positive impact on pupil learning, teaching, and school organisation and leadership. Enthusiasm for literacy has increased, pupils are more engaged, and results have improved. Teachers have embraced the strategies and have seen their results increase.

Implications: The findings suggest that Talk for Writing strategies can be effective in improving pupil learning, teaching, and school organization and leadership. It can increase enthusiasm, engagement, and progress in writing, as well as improve pedagogy, dialogue, and whole-school initiatives.
Keywords (free text)
Primary education , Communication, language and literacy , English - writing
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