Loitering with the text! Implementing Talk for Writing in Year 2

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Frankland, Rebecca

Issue Date


Educational Level

ISCED Level 1 Primary education

Geographical Setting

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Background: The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of Talk for Writing materials on pupil learning, teaching, and school organization and leadership in a school with challenging circumstances.

Aims: The main aim of this development work was to use a multisensory approach to enhance the learning experience and raise the quality of writing across the board, particularly for boys in a socially and economically deprived area.

Methods: The participants were a small team of primary teachers from a school in a socially and economically deprived area, working with a local authority literacy consultant to pilot Pie Corbett's Talk for Writing materials. Methods used include multisensory learning, giving children ownership over their learning, using ICT, and using Talk for Writing materials to focus on sentence structure and connectives.

Findings: The main findings of this development work are that Talk for Writing has had a major impact on literacy standards for all ages, particularly for boys. It has enabled children to engage in a multisensory approach to enhance their learning experience, and has given them the tools to craft their writing in an effortless way.

Implications: The findings suggest that Talk for Writing can have a major impact on literacy standards, particularly for boys in deprived areas. It can provide a multisensory approach to enhance the learning experience, and help children to understand the link between talk and writing. It also encourages children to see themselves as authors and to use a specific writing process.


Keywords (free text)

Primary education , English - speaking and listening , English - writing

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