Anti-Bullying Champions at Rhyl Primary School

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Stainton, Julia
Issue Date
Educational Level
ISCED Level 1 Primary education
Curriculum Area
Geographical Setting
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The main aim of the Anti-Bullying Champions program was to raise awareness of bullying and its impact, and to empower children to stand up and speak out against it.

The participants were 13 Year 5 students who attended a whole day Anti-Bullying Champion (ABC) training provided by a Health and Wellbeing Consultant from Camden Health and Wellbeing Team. They wore a red T-shirt they designed in the workshop. The ABCs used a video, scenarios, and a PowerPoint to learn about bullying, then created a campaign with a slogan, posters, an animation, an assembly, and a post box. They also wore a red T-shirt to raise their profile.

The ABC program has had a positive impact on the school, with increased awareness of bullying, decreased behaviour incidents, and children feeling safe and happy to come to school. Pupil and parent questionnaires also indicate the same.

The findings suggest that the anti-bullying program has been successful in raising awareness and decreasing incidents of bullying. This has resulted in increased safety and happiness among pupils, as well as improved behaviour in the classroom.
Keywords (free text)
bullying , behaviour , primary education
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