Camden Learning

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Camden Learning is a local partnership created for the benefit of children and schools. We are a joint enterprise between Camden schools and the council. We bring teachers, headteachers and other education practitioners together, to share expertise, drive improvement and achieve excellent practice.

What we do:

  1. We work with schools to improve teaching and learning. We share responsibility for the achievement of all Camden children and the excellence of all our schools.
  2. We support local schools with their development and help to ensure they have the best people and practices in place.
  3. We attract and retain the very best teachers, headteachers and school leaders.
  4. We encourage local practitioners to be creative and innovative.

Camden Learning's Professional Development includes learning hubs (school-led communities of practice); primary and secondary subject networks; an early career framework; and a wide range of training courses. It also has developed a library of case studies of practice: 'Sharing Camden Practice' which has been mirrored in Camtree.


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