Camden Learning Case Studies
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As part of its Professional Development provision, Camden Learning has been collecting and sharing case studies of practice since 2014. These case studies include contextual information about the educational setting; a description of the rationale, target learners, and success criteria; details of inquiries or innovations; and evidence of outcomes and impact.
The case studies are a means of sharing effective practice and other teachers are encouraged to draw on them in their own work. Case studies are often accompanied by other materials such as learning resources, presentations and information for learners, parents and carers, and other teachers.
The case study reports and other materials in this Camtree connection are also available at where they can be downloaded as PDF documents or viewed as web pages.
The structured abstracts and keywords associated with each case study have been added by Camtree; the structured abstract was generated using OpenAI's GPT-3.5-Turbo Large Language Model (LLM) prior to checking and uploading.