No-one left behind: Effective use of performance data to inform Wave 1 and Wave 2 interventions

Background: The purpose of the study was to improve standards and achievement of identified pupils in English and Maths and raise whole-school GCSE examination outcomes to above 30% 5A-C including En & Ma.

Aims: The main aim is to improve standards and achievement of identified pupils in English and Maths and raise whole-school GCSE examination outcomes to above 30% 5A-C including En & Ma, through personalised learning and improved AfL practices.

Methods: Headteacher, LA adviser, middle leader, SLT, SIP, subject leader, teacher, pupils, parents. Methods used include whole school INSET, department meeting cycles, coaching approach, use of progress data, AfL strategies, use of data to inform lesson planning, and use of the Teaching and Learning Framework.

Findings: The main findings are that communication and understanding of a vision for improvement, effective use and understanding of progress data by all stakeholders, and personalisation based on evidence are essential for successful impact on pupil learning, teaching, and school organisation and leadership.

Implications: The findings suggest that effective communication, understanding of vision for improvement, and use of progress data are essential for successful personalisation of support and improved pupil learning outcomes. Additionally, AfL strategies, CPD, and a coaching approach are important for successful implementation.
Keywords (free text)
Secondary education , English - reading , English - speaking and listening , English - writing , Mathematics
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