How speaking frames can support pupils’ critical analysis in art and design

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Hay, Angela
Issue Date
Educational Level
ISCED Level 1 Primary education
Curriculum Area
Geographical Setting
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The main aim of this development work was to explore how pupils' art and design language and ability to evaluate and critique could be developed, leading to increased self-esteem and the use of specific art and design vocabulary.

The participants were 30 Year 4 pupils who were asked to observe a painting and use appropriate art and design vocabulary to describe it. Through explicit teacher modelling, the pupils were able to broaden their vocabulary and demonstrate a greater use of art and design terminology when making observations. Methods used included explicit teacher modelling, introducing key vocabulary and modelling it in context, guided sessions, written scaffolds, and filming sessions to assess pupil responses. Pupils were also asked a series of questions to encourage them to demonstrate their understanding of terminology.

Pupils demonstrated a greater use of art and design vocabulary when making observations, with more focused and richer responses. Through explicit teacher modelling, pupils were able to broaden their vocabulary and confidently articulate their responses. Filmed sessions showed increased enthusiasm and confidence when discussing art works.

The findings suggest that explicit teacher modelling and focusing on key vocabulary can help pupils to broaden their art and design vocabulary and become more confident in articulating their observations. This has been supported by filmed sessions and written reflections.
Keywords (free text)
art , art and design , language , primary education
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