Music in the Curriculum

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Butler, Katie
Issue Date
Educational Level
ISCED Level 0 Early childhood education
ISCED Level 1 Primary education
Curriculum Area
Geographical Setting
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The main aim was to integrate music into the curriculum of every year group, engage children with their song, and reinforce learning across the curriculum through music-making.

The participants were every child from Reception to Year Six, their class teachers, and professional local musicians. The school used a school-led approach to integrate music into the curriculum, providing CPD for staff and involving everyone in music-making. Professional local musicians taught the children songs and helped them develop new lyrics to express their learning. The project culminated in a performance at the end of the term.

Findings: The main findings were that music was successfully integrated into the curriculum of every year group, class teachers built on their confidence in teaching music, and children engaged with, enjoyed and developed their song, reinforcing learning across the curriculum.

Implications: The findings suggest that integrating music into the curriculum can help children retain their learning, engage with and enjoy their learning, and reinforce their musical skills and appreciation. It also provides an opportunity for teachers to build their confidence in teaching music.
Keywords (free text)
music , early childhood education , primary education
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