Every Child a Writer: Effective collaboration with a leading teacher

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Elsmore, Lorette
Issue Date
Educational Level
ISCED Level 1 Primary education
Curriculum Area
Geographical Setting
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Background: The purpose of the study was to improve the teaching and learning of writing by developing planning and classroom practice, using CPD approaches, resources, and support from a Lead Teacher.

Aims: The main aim of this development work was to improve the teaching and learning of writing, focusing on composition, through developing children's understanding and responsibility for their own learning.

Methods: The participants in this case study were two teachers, a Leading Teacher, local authority staff, senior management, and pupils. They worked together to improve the teaching and learning of writing. Methods used included attending regional training seminars, attending local cluster meetings, using APP, Support for Writing, Planning Circles/phases materials, using Talk for Writing DVD, using picture books, and working with a Lead Teacher.

Findings: The main findings of this case study are that the collaborative approach of a leading teacher, combined with high quality texts, cluster meetings, and Talk for Writing materials, has resulted in improved quality and quantity of pupils' writing, increased enjoyment of English, and improved teaching quality.

Implications: The findings of this case study suggest that collaborative approaches to teaching and learning, such as the Every Child a Writer program, can have a positive impact on pupil learning, teaching, and school organization and leadership. High quality texts, dedicated writing tables, and working walls are essential elements for successful implementation.
Keywords (free text)
Primary education , Assessment and target setting , English - writing
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