Raising attainment in writing in Foundation Stage
Bailey, Alison
Issue Date
Research Report
Keywords (free text)
Primary education , Communication, language and literacy , English - writing
Alternative Title
Background: The purpose of the study was to improve communication, language and literacy skills in Reception pupils by developing their writing, understanding of why we write, and motivation to write.
Aims: The main aim is to improve communication, language and literacy skills in Reception pupils, with a focus on sentence construction, punctuation, text structure and use of language, and to increase their motivation and confidence as independent writers.
Methods: The participants in this development work were head of school improvement, headteacher, middle leader, National Strategies consultant, senior leadership team, SIP, subject leader, and teacher. Methods used included data comparison of cohorts, learning walks/study visits, observation outcomes, periodic teacher assessment, tailored CPD, and tailored in-class support. Cross-school support group coordinated by the LA was crucial.
Findings: The main findings are that the implementation of the Improving Schools Programme (ISP) principles across the Foundation Stage, pupil progress reviews, and participation in the Local Authority's CLLD project have resulted in increased attainment in writing and other aspects of CLLD, improved teaching approaches, and increased recognition of the importance of the Foundation Stage.
Implications: The findings suggest that additional support for Foundation Stage practitioners, combined with tailored CPD, curricular targets, and effective assessment, can lead to improved literacy and language skills in pupils.