Using models and images to support learners with English as an additional language

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Harden, Jackie
Issue Date
Educational Level
ISCED Level 1 Primary education
Geographical Setting
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Background: The purpose of the study was to observe how the use of models and images impacted on target children's understanding of fractions and to gain a better understanding of why they may be experiencing difficulties.

Aims: The main aim of this development work was to use models and images to help children understand the concept of fractions and use them independently to find halves and quarters.

Methods: The participants included teachers, a leading teacher, a subject leader, a LA maths advisor, a Primary Strategy Numeracy Advisor, parents, carers, and support staff. Methods used included lesson study, observation, feedback, peer observations, CPD training, and work scrutiny to measure progress towards success criteria. Models and images were used to help children understand fractions.

Findings: The main findings are that using models and images to teach fractions has improved children's understanding and confidence in working independently, and has enabled teachers to share best practice and improve their teaching strategies.

Implications: The findings suggest that using models and images can help children understand difficult concepts such as fractions, leading to increased confidence and engagement in learning. This can be further developed through CPD and lesson study to improve teaching and learning in mathematics.
Keywords (free text)
Primary education , Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy , Mathematics
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