Guided writing as a means of precise intervention at Wave One

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Shook, Kirsten
Issue Date
Educational Level
ISCED Level 0 Early childhood education
ISCED Level 1 Primary education
Geographical Setting
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Background: The purpose of the study was to secure quality teaching and improve writing skills for underachieving groups of pupils by exploring and implementing aspects of Assessment for Learning.

Aims: The main aim of the Wave One intervention was to secure quality teaching and improve writing skills for underachieving groups of pupils through Assessment for Learning and self-evaluative and reflective skills.

Methods: The participants in this case study are headteachers, middle leaders, senior leadership teams, school improvement partners, subject leaders, teachers, and pupils. Methods used included differentiated training sessions, facilitated questioning, team-teaching, modelling, learning walks/study visits, periodic teacher assessment, and pupil consultation data.

Findings: The main findings of this case study are that Wave One intervention has had a positive impact on pupil learning, teaching, and school organization and leadership. It has resulted in increased proportions of cohorts achieving age-related expectations, deeper understanding of teaching strategies, increased motivation, and improved relationships between teachers and pupils.

Implications: The findings suggest that providing differentiated training sessions, modelling, and team-teaching can lead to improved writing skills, increased motivation, and deeper relationships between teachers and students. This can lead to increased expectations and ownership of learning processes.
Keywords (free text)
Primary education , Assessment and target setting , Communication, language and literacy , English - writing
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