Cross-curricular initiatives in cross-phase partnership: Bridging the Primary Languages gap

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Cobb, Wendy
Issue Date
Educational Level
ISCED Level 1 Primary education
ISCED Level 2 Lower secondary education
Geographical Setting
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Background: The purpose of the study was to create a network of cross-phase partnerships to address issues in transition in languages, with a focus on integrated language learning and increased motivation and progression in language learning.

Aims: The main aim of the Cross Phase Languages Network was to establish a network of cross-phase partnerships to support integrated language learning and transition in languages.

Methods: The participants included headteachers, middle leaders, senior leadership teams, school improvement partners, subject leaders, teachers, and outreach teachers. They worked together to increase motivation and progression in language learning in years 6/7. Methods used included joint KS2/3 training, CPD for outreach teachers, observation of colleagues, assessment and monitoring training, and a partnership conference with opportunities for sharing good practice.

Findings: The main findings are that collaborative CPD opportunities, such as joint training and reflection, are essential for successful transition projects. Outreach teachers should observe good practice in the primary classroom and provide guided shared feedback to use the skills of the primary class teacher.

Implications: The findings suggest that successful transition projects should include collaborative CPD opportunities for teachers in both phases, with time for reflection and guided shared feedback to ensure the best use of the skills of the primary class teacher.
Keywords (free text)
Primary education , Secondary education , Creativity , Modern Languages
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