Sandnes Kommune Lesson Studies 2022-2023
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Reports on Research Lesson Studies on oracy and assessment for learning (formative assessment) carried out in Sandnes schools in 2022-2023.
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Item Creating security and encouraging oracy in language learning(Camtree: the Cambridge Teacher Research Exchange, 2022) Åsebø-Trodal, Kenth MagneBackground: This study, conducted in a Norwegian secondary school, aimed to enhance oracy in English and Spanish language learning amongst 15-16 year olds. Recognizing the varied linguistic backgrounds of students and the challenges in fostering oral skills, the research focused on creating a secure environment for oracy development and language practice. Aims: The primary goal was to investigate methods to increase students' oral participation in group and whole-class activities, while considering their diverse learning needs and backgrounds. Methods: A research lesson study approach was employed, focussing on game-based learning, multimedia resources, and group work. The interventions aimed to engage students in oracy through interactive and participatory methods, with a focus on English and Spanish language classes. Findings: The study found that game-based learning significantly enhanced students' willingness to engage in oracy. However, other methods like film analysis and multimedia tools had more limited success in promoting oral language skills. Students reported feeling more confident and engaged in sessions that utilized gaming as a learning tool. Implications for Practice: The research suggests that incorporating interactive and engaging methods like gaming can significantly improve oral participation in language learning. It highlights the need for teachers to adapt instructional strategies to meet the diverse needs of learners and to create a supportive environment that encourages active participation and language use.Item How to use oracy as a tool for formative assessment(Camtree: the Cambridge Teacher Research Exchange, 2022) Tjetland, Kine; Kjebekk, AnneBackground: The study was conducted in a Year 9 English as a Foreign Language (EFL) class with 30 students aged 14-15, some of whom found it difficult to sustain conversations and also are overly dependent on teacher assessment of their competences. Aims: The aim of the study was to explore how students, through improved oracy skills, can become more aware of their own competence and know how to improve it? Methods: The researchers conducted three lessons to achieve this aim. The first lesson involved term relay and oral discussions about different claims related to a case in social studies. The second lesson focused on oral discussions about different claims connected to various assessment criteria. The third lesson included orientation exercises with practical tasks that promoted oral discussions. The researchers selected three focus pupils with different levels of oral skills: one with excellent skills, one with fairly good skills, and one with poor skills. The researchers observed the focus pupils during the lessons and collected data through interviews and questionnaires. Findings: The researchers found that students who were already aware of their own role in oral discussions benefited more from the lessons compared to other students. The study also highlighted the importance of teacher guidance and feedback in helping students become aware of their own competence. The maturity of the students was found to have a significant impact on their awareness of their competence. Safety, both for individuals and the group, was identified as crucial for effective discussions. Practical tasks, especially those involving movement, increased student participation. Implications: The study suggests that teachers may overestimate students' competence and should adjust their ambitions to match students' levels. Teachers should also use vocabulary that is easily understandable to students. It also suggests actively making students aware of their role in oral discussions through modelling and providing examples of how to maintain conversations. The researchers propose allocating time for self-assessment and using feedback to promote further competence. Overall, the study provides insights into using oracy as a tool for formative assessment and offers practical implications for teachers working with oracy and formative assessment.Item How to use orality as a method/tool/support for formative assessment in station work(Camtree: the Cambridge Teacher Research Exchange, 2022) Vier, Kristin Gjedrem; Bakke, Gry GahreBackground: The study focused on the use of stations around which students rotate as a teaching method. The teacher-researchers aimed to explore the effectiveness of this approach in promoting student oracy, engagement, self-regulation, and learning outcomes. Aims: The primary aim was to investigate the impact of station work on student engagement, learning outcomes and the development of oral skills. They also wanted to examine the effects of different station activities, such as filming and group discussions, on student learning. They sought to understand the role of oral assessments, undertaken in the learning station environment, in promoting student competence and independence. They aimed to gather student feedback on the station work method and assess its impact on motivation and social learning. Methods: The teacher-researchers conducted a series of research lessons using the station work method. They observed student behaviour, focussing on a group of focal students who were observed and also collected data through surveys and assessment of student work. Findings: The study found that students expressed positive feedback and enjoyment of the station work method. They reported increased motivation and engagement when their work was assessed. Group discussions and role-playing activities were identified as the most effective stations for learning, while reading and drawing activities were perceived as less beneficial. The teacher- researchers also found that clear frameworks and preparation were crucial for effective station work. They noted the importance of incorporating oral assessments and providing external motivation for students. The study highlighted the need for ongoing reflection and adaptation of station activities to optimize learning outcomes. Implications: The findings suggest that the station work method can be a valuable approach for promoting student engagement and learning. Teachers can benefit from incorporating oral evaluations and clear frameworks into their classroom practices. The study also emphasizes the importance of preparing students for station work and providing alternative options for those without access to specific technology. The teacher-researchers propose further exploration of orality and mid-term assessments as effective teaching strategies.Item How to use oracy as a tool for formative assessment in History(Camtree: the Cambridge Teacher Research Exchange, 2022) Wilford, Randi SkaarBackground: The study focuses on the use of tools to improve oracy (oral communication skills) in a classroom setting. The researchers implemented a lesson on World War 1 (WW1) where students worked in groups to explore and present their findings on different terms related to the war. The lesson also included the use of talk moves and the viewing of film clips from "All Quiet on the Western Front" to stimulate discussion. The researchers aimed to assess the students' response to the lesson and determine the effectiveness of using games and films to promote oracy. Aims: The study aimed to investigate how students responded to the lesson on WW1, particularly in terms of their engagement with the film clips and their use of oracy tools during discussions. The researchers also sought to identify any challenges or areas for improvement in the lesson and explore the potential of using games and films to enhance oracy skills in the classroom. Methods: The researchers collected data to gather the students' perspectives on the lesson. The students expressed that the film clips provided a more realistic view of WW1 and allowed them to see the war from different perspectives. Some students preferred the game they played in a previous class, as it allowed them to control the pace and explore different aspects at their own pace. The researchers also observed that fewer students actively used the talk moves during the discussion, but the quality of their answers improved aNer giving the questions some thought. They found that some students participated beOer when the teacher actively led or monitored the discussion. Findings: The study revealed several significant findings. Firstly, using games and films in the classroom can effectively promote oracy skills, provided they are accompanied by relevant questions or tasks for the students to engage with. Secondly, pedagogical technology can serve as a diagnostic assessment tool when used appropriately. Thirdly, students who are already interested in a topic are more likely to participate in oral discussions. Additionally, the students' maturity level greatly influences their awareness of their own competence. The study also highlighted the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment for discussions and the use of visual aids to facilitate oral participation. Implications: The findings of the study suggest that teachers can enhance oracy skills by incorporating games and films into their lessons, accompanied by relevant tasks and questions. It is recommended to make oracy tools more visible in the classroom and actively remind students to use them. Teachers should also allocate time for vocabulary learning related to the topic to support all students. The study emphasizes the importance of teacher involvement in discussions and the need to create a safe and supportive environment for effective oral communication.Item How to use oracy as method/tool for formative assessment of students(Camtree: the Cambridge Teacher Research Exchange, 2022) Haaland, Morten; Fjermestad, ØyvindBackground: This study focuses on the use of learning peers and groups to improve 15-16 year old students' oral abilities and knowledge in the context of a genetics lesson. The researchers aimed to explore the impact of these strategies on student participation and engagement in oral activities. Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of learning peers and groups in promoting oracy skills and facilitating formal assessment in the classroom. The researchers also aimed to identify the key factors that contribute to successful implementation of these strategies. Methods: The study involved three research lessons where students watched a movie clip related to the theme of genetics and sexuality. They then worked in learning groups to discuss questions from the movie clip. To review important terms and promote oracy, the students played a term game in groups, where they had to explain subject terms to their group members. The researchers also developed other activities such as a variation of the word game Alias and conversation starters to further enhance oral participation. Findings: The use of learning peers and groups was found to significantly improve students' oral abilities and knowledge. The researchers observed that a larger number of students participated in oral activities in the last lesson, indicating increased engagement and motivation. The use of varied and fun tasks, such as word explanation games, was found to be particularly effective in promoting oracy and cooperation among students. Additionally, the researchers found that carefully planning the composition of learning partners and groups was crucial for successful implementation. Implications: The findings of this study suggest that teachers can promote better oracy skills and facilitate formal assessment by incorporating learning peers and groups into their teaching practices. It is important for teachers to carefully plan the composition of these groups and provide a safe and supportive environment for students to engage in oral discussions. Varied and fun tasks should be included to motivate students and cater to their different levels of ability. The researchers recommend further exploration of the use of learning peers and groups in future lessons, with a focus on self-assessment. The study also highlights the importance of sharing research findings with other teachers and schools to benefit the wider education community.